Weilin Li's Homepage

Assistant Professor
City College of New York
Office: Room 415, Marshak Science Building
Email: wli6@ccny.cuny.edu


Hello, welcome to my personal webpage! My research area is applied and computational harmonic analysis. Broadly speaking, I study numerical methods that decompose and reconstruct data and use them for machine learning and signal processing. More specifically, my current research interests lie in the computational theory of super-resolution and rigorous methods for compressing neural networks. My work is currently supported by the National Science Foundation, PSC-CUNY, and the Foundation for City College. Here is a brief CV.


For the 2024-2025 academic year, I am co-organizing the
One World Mathematics of INformation, Data, and Signals (1W-MINDS) Seminar, CUNY GC Harmonic Analysis and PDE Seminar, and an analysis learning seminar aimed at CUNY math graduate students. Please let me know if you are interested in attending or giving a talk!

Publications and Preprints (Google Scholar)


Journal Articles

Book Chapters

Conference Proceedings

Recently Recorded Talks


For code, please see my Github profile.